Tuesday 16 July 2013

The tortoise and the haircut

When in the course of human events:
  1. The scissors go missing
  2. Your kid decides to hide out in the bathroom for twenty minutes.
Call the SWAT team.

Do not - I repeat DO NOT - react like a lethargic turtle. Trust me.
Weapon of hair destruction. 

I blame our deforestation incident on Haircut Compulsion Disorder (HCD), which runs in my family.

In addition to HCD, babysitting karma has a long memory.

Years ago BC, I was entrusted with the care and feeding of someone else's kids for a mere hour. A haircut incident occurred about five minutes into my supervisory tenure, the result of which was about what Fozzie Bear would look like if he tried to give himself a modern art mohawk after drinking three bottles of gin.

Their unfortunate mother had to view the haircut without the help of gin, and was understandably not amused. In the silver linings department, after my experience this morning, I finally feel that have finally repaid my debt to society for that episode.

Of course, babysitting karma and me are not through with each other yet.

There was that other time I was on watch and the kids found a sharp implement with which to mow down all the plants in the backyard, the result of which was about what Fozzie Bear's yard would look like if he tried to give it a modern art mohawk after drinking three bottles of gin...


  1. Oh no! If it helps, nearly every other mother out there can identify. 'Tis the age old tale. Anyway, I hear Fozzie gin mohawks are in next season.

  2. Y'know, I've sported a Fozzie gin frizz most of my life...no shame in that, right?
