Strangers in Strange Lands

Please look after these bears.
Inspired by Refugee Week and the many wonderful people I've met in London from around the world, I've decided to run a series of guest posts on topic of 'being and foreignness.'

My guest writers come from all different stripes and are united in only in their tendency to wander in geography and take joy in so doing.

Please get in touch if you too are a wandering bear and fancy taking part in the series.

So far, dispatches have arrived from:

  1. Arina in London by way of Latvia.
  2. Erica of Eurofornia and Calibritain.
  3. Daianna from Nowhere and Everywhere.
  4. Emma in Bavaria by way of Copenhagen.
  5. Claire in Brussels and broader Dublin.
  6. Mia of Tokyo and Jerusalem, who is not actually Greek.
  7. Britt, a new Briton of British Colombia. 
  8. Lindsey, a faux Australian in the wilds of Maryland. 
Please stay tuned for more tales from far off lands in coming days!