Thursday, 21 July 2011

This week at Chaos HQ

We are cooking up mischief.

Sugar, spice, dynamite. 
And poking penguins in the eye.

Take that, smug chick.
Babyzilla and Kid Kong are preying on London.

All your museums are belong to us.
 And pushing all of Mama's buttons.

Where is the 'eject to outer space' button, boss?
This week, last week, next week, and onwards, we find ourselves deeply lost in the belly of the summer holidays. And we are feeling rather less optimistic about the prognosis than Jonah did. All bets are off.

Stay tuned for more civilised weeks to come. In the meantime, duck and cover.


  1. Oh Rachel, I do love your pictures and your comments....that's really made me smile this morning, thank you and have fun :)

  2. Those photos and your comments made me giggle! It sounds divine to get lost in the belly of summer holidays!

  3. Perhaps divine TORTURE! You are right though - I need to remember how fun it is amid the chaos. Thanks for stopping by Daisy.

  4. Thanks Heather, wish me luck surviving it!!!

  5. Gorgeous photos! Very entertaining.

  6. Lovely post! As we chatted on twitter, so not looking forward to it but alas, it starts tomorrow.My main problem is lil one only naps on my lap every afternoon when bigger is at nursery.I can't sit still like that with a 4.5 y.o with me. And if he naps shorter than 1.5 hour, he gets very cranky.Not to mention most of our friends will be away during summer and all playgroups etc on holiday.Oh well, we shall find a way..

  7. Aww, cute photos.... I'm looking on the bright side, lazy mornings spent in jamas if we so feel!! Then a nice afternoon of them running wild and me repeatedly banging my head against a wall... What's not to love about summer? Good luck lady! Nat

  8. I've always wanted to poke a penguin in the eye!!

    Love the pics !

  9. Thanks for stopping by Romina. It's definitely a worthwhile pursuit, though I find that cardboard penguins are easier to catch than the real thing ;)

  10. Head-banging and jamas is exactly it - good luck to us both!

  11. Our entire world similarly revolves around my youngest's nap - amazing isn't it, how a missed nap can initiate the Apocalypse? We shall survive somehow...

  12. Cheers CB, and thanks for stopping by :)

  13. Frankie Parker22 July 2011 at 14:54

    Love the pengiun photo it looks almost real.... the pengiun that is...

  14. Hah, thanks FP, believe me Ali is very, very real, especially before 7am ;(
